Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Ballerina Project (1)

This is the first image of my Ballerina Project series, a collaborative work for which I teamed up with Carmen TANASE, Mihaela ROTARU, Mr. Foquet and Francisc VAIDA.

My Ballerina Project evoques only the beautiful expression of grace, modesty, measured gestures and athletic coordination which hide hours of hard and painful training.

This is probably one of my favourite shots...
Others will soon follow. Subscribe to my blog feed to get the latest updates.  

Friday, 11 February 2011

My teacher and I

This is my photography teacher, Francisc VAIDA, a great photographer, a wonderful man.
Thank you so much for a wonderful experience!!!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Expozitie de Fotografie de Grup - Dalles 2011

Clasa de Fotografie Dalles 2011

Dragi fani ai fotografiei,

Zeci de fotografii originale, apartinand absolventilor Clasei de Fotografie Dalles – promoţia februarie 2011, fac obiectul primei expozitii de grup, vernisate sâmbătă, 05 februarie, ora 13.00, in foaierul Universitatii Populare Ioan I. Dalles.

Expozitia va fi deschisa pana pe 28 februarie.
Intrarea este libera.

Va asteptam cu drag!

         05 februarie, ora 13:00 - 
         28 februarie, ora 17:00

Locaţie        Universitatea Populara Ioan I. Dalles
        Bd. Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 18, Sector 1
        Bucuresti, Romania

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